Well, I did it again, I have procrastinated and haven’t written my blog for a few days so it is catch up time again.
I am at work and I don’t have a lot of time before going home (actually this is Saturday).
Let me see, I know what I have to do tonight, I am trying to remember if I worked today or not and I think that I took the day off. Grant is going to mow the RV Park and I will do the mobile home park. I think it may be a good choice to do it this way, it is raining! I may end up doing part of the RV Park tomorrow.
Well, tonight I lead the class on the “Seed Principle”, not sure I am ready to do this but hey what do I have to lose? The only ones that will be there are the Pastor, assistant Pastor and a few deacons, why should I worry about that???
Actually, the study, after we got going, went quite well. We decided that doing two lessons per night just didn’t get it. We did make it through one chapter and we were supposed to do two plus a finishing chapter, way to much for one night. In fact, we went about fifteen minutes over just to get the one chapter done and the study that will come after this will be one chapter per meeting or what ever we happen to get done.
I know I have a picture… Lets see what I have….
OK, this is Bud the neighborhood dog. I usually feed him in this basin and I guess he likes it, he has his foot in it so it won’t go anywhere. Quite the dog.
Well, I have to get out of here because I have to finish up work. Night Y’all….