Somewhere between Hawaii and Somoa, doing what he likes best...
Friday, July 26, 2013
Family Reunion trip
Friday July 26th and we are in Rock Falls. The reunion is tomorrow in Milton Wisconsin. I sure don't like doing this on the phone but I didn't bring the computers!
We had a good time with the kids back home and will meet up again tonight. Gianna is coming into Rockford this afternoon and we will pick her up and go on into Janesville.
I will start taking pictures with my phone so I can post some with my blog.
Jacob is in, or on, Palmyra, an atoll, in th South Pacific. He is working like crazy and having a blast. I have a picture I will try to post later.
Today we are going to Linda's sister's home and I will try to shampoo her carpet, and make a batch of cinnamon rolls.
Not a lot going on now though so I will sign off. See ya later...
Monday, July 22, 2013
Monday July 22, 2013
Well, I have missed a few days for sure but I am having computer problems. The computer I use for my blog, well, it isn't broke but I can't get online! I can get online with my other one but I can't do my blog on it! What a bummer!
We have been keeping pretty busy, kids will be in tomorrow evening. I didn't think we would see them this year! Gianna is even coming back. Be the first time for her, Bren, Alexa and Jake to be here at our place. We are really looking forward to their visit!
I sure don't like doing the blog on the phone but right now I don't have any choice, well, I guess I could go to Facebook, more people would probably read it.
I think I have to work today, we have had a lot of rain though so we will see what happens.
I am going to try to post this and even though it is eat morning I will say Night Yall.....
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Friday July 12th 2013
Back to work today. At work we have a small problem. We don’t have a truck to pull the tractor (mower) over to Russell Street. Well, Mark still has the Explorer so we pulled the trailer and mower over with that. They took the trailer back to the park and left me here to mow.
I saw Miss Lorene and she came out to say hi! She is such a sweet lady and I would put her picture in here but she would be upset if I did and she found out. She asked if I was going to pick her up for church and I told her I would definitely be there to pick her up Sunday morning and she seemed to be happy!!
I finished mowing around 1PM and sprayed a bottle of Round Up and by the time I finished that Mark was there to pick me up, and by the time he got there I was almost finished so we loaded up the stuff and headed back to the park.
The weather isn’t to bad today but warm enough.
Randy and Coyita made it here around five or so. We had a really good visit. Linda had fixed BBQ which was excellent, baked beans a spaghetti salad and a great desert made with Pistachio Pudding and ice cream. Really hit the spot.
We sat around the table and talked until after 9PM. Time really went by fast. I didn’t get a picture, what a bummer!
Well, it is time to say Night Y’all. Oh, I made jalapeno bread and forgot t give a loaf to Coyita so we will have to go back into town tomorrow.
Time to say Night Y’all
Thursday July 11th 2013
I took today off and I think that I said yesterday that Pastor Randy and Coyita were coming over today. I was wrong, they are coming over Friday night not tonight.
We had a few things to do today, usually have to go to town and get a few things. Glad we don’t live fifty miles from town…
We didn’t do a lot today, one of those relaxing days for sure. Time to say Night Y’all…
Tuesday July 9th 2013
Linda is making Salisbury Steak today, smells delicious! I didn’t take a picture of it so you will just have to take my word for it!
We stopped by Randy and Pearline’s today just to say HI!! Pearline isn’t doing very well, she has a bad back. Something about her spine pressing on some nerves and making it very sore and hard to do much of anything. I did get a picture of them though…
Randy and Pearline are very nice people and really easy to talk to. The have a Rat Terrier also and his name is Pepper! He is very friendly, so friendly they had to put him away because he wouldn’t leave us alone. Sparky is friendly but he is kind of scared of people until he really gets used to them.
After visiting for awhile with them we went to see Judy but she had already left for work. She works at the library so we went to the library and visited for awhile with her. We wanted to be sure of the GBP tomorrow, stands for God’s Beautiful People. Usually just the older people. Younger people would be working. I enjoy the fellowship and the food is also pretty good. Pearline is a specialist in making pies! With a bad back she won’t be there tomorrow.
We headed back home. I am really tired!
We had appointments to see Doctor Travis tomorrow but found out that he went to New Madrid so we changed our appointments to see him down there on Thursday afternoon. Just a checkup, nothing important.
We took it easy the rest of the afternoon then I went to church tonight. Very small crowd. Business meeting was short and Pastor had a good little sermon and the participation was also interesting.
We took it easy tonight and I fell asleep in my chair, as normal.
Time to call it a Night Y’all….
Wednesday July 10th 2013
I went into work early this morning I started at 8AM instead of 9AM. I figured it was supposed to rain this afternoon and I would really like to get the mobile home park done.
Actually I probably could have gone another week and it would have been OK but it does look better since I have mowed it.
I left work around 3PM and got home around 3:30. Took and nice long shower and relaxed for awhile.
Church tonight. We have a business meeting and it was a short one and then Pastor read some scripture and then asked questions or asked for input on the scriptures. We had a pretty good night.
Linda was preparing some stuff for tomorrow when Pastor and Coyita get here. We invited them for supper.
Had a pretty good night, kind of relaxing so I guess I will just say Night Y’all….
Monday July 8th 2013
I decided to go into work today and dump the trash and spray some Round Up. I think it is going to be another very warm day. It has been up in the nineties and very humid. Didn’t take long to dump the trash and I had seen a lot of spots that weeds were growing again where they weren’t supposed to. Time to spray them and get them back under control.
I finished up before noon and headed back home. I think I stopped at the store and got some things. We are going to GBP on Thursday and Linda is going to make pulled pork.
My mind is really kind of blank. I don’t really remember what we did and today is Thursday. I have let this go again. Thought I could remember and Linda doesn’t really remember either but she does remember more than I do.
This a picture of a Rose of Sharon with a Bumble Been collecting some pollen and the legs are really fat covered with pollen. Very interesting!
Not much else to day today so I will just say Night Y’all….
Monday, July 8, 2013
Sunday July 7th 2013
Well I am kind of nervous about Sunday School this morning. I know what I want to say and how I want to present it but that doesn’t always work well. I am human and I do make a lot of mistakes.
We picked up Miss Kay this morning, she has really been faithful about going to church with us! Miss Lorene had other plans for this Sunday but she said she would go with us next Sunday.
Well, Sunday School was different, at least we had a pretty good class, size wise. The teenagers came over to our class but they sit there like bumps on a log. Mr. Joe says that they do participate in “their” class. Not exactly what he told me earlier but I can imagine they don’t really participate very much. They don’t do their lesson, but then neither does our class. Wonder what you have to do to get them to at least read their lesson???? I tried, kind of, to shame them into memorizing the eight verses but I don’t think that it did much good, only God knows. I went through most of the versus and explained them and went on a little deeper, and I did all this by memory. I haven’t got all the verses memorized but six out of eight isn’t bad and we still have six more weeks. I think I will have them memorized by that time.
Church was good, Pastor Randy had a good sermon and it kind of went along with the Sunday School lesson we had, kind of…
After church we had to take Miss Kay home and Linda and I went out to eat. We told Miss Kay we would take her out next week, if she remembers her noon time medicine… I will remind her next week.
Linda and I talked about the church and the fellowship in the church. The only people we have fellowship with is Jim and June and we pretty much keep that going. Linda called Miss Coyita and asked her about fellowship and if they would like to come over sometime and she said that no one ever asks them over! I think that is sad. I think we are going to start asking different members over for a meal and some fellowship. As I think about the different churches I have been to none of them have any fellowship, in home fellowship. Think it is time to start doing something about that. We sure miss Harvest Time!!! Oh, as Linda was talking to Miss Coyita, she had told Pastor Randy on the way home that they should ask us over sometime. Think we may do it first.
Church tonight was different. Mr. Loyd said that he found a song we should try to sing and it is called “Little is Much” which the title is a little longer than that but I had heard it before so we decided to go ahead and sing it tonight.
Mr. Pete said that people should be called on at random to recite the versus we are learning!! Cool!! When Mr. Loyd and I got up to sing I had to agree with Mr. Pete and thought it would help to get people to memorize, may make them stay home too… I just had to recite the verse that he actually didn’t mention but he said the third verse so I gave it to them. I’m glad I have started to memorize these verses. After the singing Pastor Randy quizzed us on the memory versus and I think I am the only one that recited or finished them. There are still two that I don’t really know very well and I am learning them in the New Living Translation which is almost like the Living Bible version. To me it is the easiest one to memorize. Miss Coyita played different songs, mostly old ones, and we tried to guess what they were. I got the first one and the next twenty I didn’t know. Miss Mary knew most of them and so did Miss Jeanne.
I took a picture of one of the flowers that are just starting to bloom, the plant looks like a weed but the flowers are beautiful..
These flowers don’t last very long but the plant usually has eight or ten buds and if they bloom one at a time and last for a couple of days they should bloom for about three weeks… Love it!!
Brenna called tonight and asked about staying with us the night before they head back to San Diego. We will be here and we will be glad to have them. Another day with the kids and grandkids would be great!!! We decided not to do Chicago so this will be another night, or day with them….
Been a long day and it is actually past my bed time…Night Y’all…
Saturday July 6th 2013
Today is Saturday and we don’t have a lot planned.
Jim and June came over for lunch. I cooked hamburgers out on the grill. They were pretty good but cooked them a little to long. We had a great visit with Jim and June. They stayed quite awhile and we caught up with all the things that are going on with them.
We did go into town this afternoon and picked up a couple of things and we stopped over at Miss Lorene’s place to make sure that she wouldn’t be going to church with us tomorrow. She isn’t, she is going with her daughter to see her grandkids.
I have downloaded a bunch of pictures and I know I can find one to down load here!!!!
OK, here is a good one. I sent our daughter and granddaughter birthday cards from our mailbox and they ended up fifteen feet down the road in the neighbors mailbox! He opened both of them but was nice enough to bring them back. I figured I better let the mail man that it didn’t go where he delivered it last time. He left the note in the mailbox…..
FISH TACOS!!! Linda fixed these and these are probably the best I’ve ever had. She spiced them up and they were absolutely delicious.
We pretty much took it easy the rest of the day and got ready for Church and Sunday School tomorrow. I invited another class to come into our class because I wanted to explain our memory verses and how to memorize them. Hopefully it will be a good lesson.
Time to say Night Y’all…..
Friday, July 5, 2013
Friday July 5th 2013
Nice morning, Sparky and I spent a few hours outside just enjoying the weather.
When Linda woke up we decided to drive over to Paducah KY to Harbor Freight and look at the tile saws. I have a project I want to do and I need a tile saw. Bought a few other things there that I may need. Can’t start on the project though until the kids come and leave. I am kind of excited to get started on the project, later.
We headed for Paducah after doing a couple of things in town. Sparky didn’t get to go with us.
We had kind of a hard time at HFT because they didn’t have what I needed. I decided to get something smaller plus a few other things that I need, well, want.
We stopped back in Sikeston, Linda needed stuff for tomorrow and I went to Lowe’s to get a couple of pieces of tile to play with later!
My hotspot is running out of time and I still have a lot of time left. It started with 3.5Gigabytes and I have only used 2.6Gigabytes. We are trying tonight to get more of it used. Have to buy more tomorrow. Well time to say Night Y’all….
Thursday July 4th 2013
I went in today and started mowing the RV Park. Started out great but didn’t take long to go South pretty fast. The police stopped me and to make a long story short there was a truck broken into in the park and a guy tried to commit suicide. I knew the guy, he was camping here, very nice and clean guy. Had no idea he had problems of that magnitude!
I was still mowing but seems people want propane and to pay rent. I worked until 4PM or so and didn’t finish. Not much left to do but the rest will still be there next week.
When I got home I mowed our lawn, didn’t mow Tommy’s this time, I was about to run out of gas! Not the mower, but me! I was tired and hot. If he doesn’t get his by Monday I will get it then.
I actually feel pretty good tonight! I am tired but haven’t had a bad time staying awake until around 10PM, missed the news, guess I probably didn’t miss much though. Time to say Night Y’all…
Wednesday July 3rd 2013
I am going into work today and I will mow the mobile home park. I was going to mow Russell St this week but I won’t have a way to get over there so it will have to wait until next week.
The mowing went great today. I had no problem and the day went well!
I forgot that I mowed Kay’s lawn yesterday, something else I did but forgot about. I had forgotten that I told her I would do it Monday but it rained Monday and I decided to wait until Tuesday but then I may have done it on Monday, she called to see if I was going to do it.
I was pretty tired after work and when I got home I took a shower and sat and watched TV, well, I slept through parts of the evening.
Went to bed early so guess it is time to say Night Y’all…
Tuesday July 2nd 2013
Well today I am going to work in the office for Grant. Grant went to Springfield for a week and I will take his place.
Not a lot going on at home, we invited Jim and June over for hamburgers Saturday. We haven’t gotten together with Jim and June since we got back from Texas, well, I don’t think we got together. We may have but I figured that it was time to get together again.
Work went pretty good. I did keep busy for most of the day. I was pretty tired and I tried to read and that didn’t last very long. I couldn’t stay awake and read. I had time to do one day of the blog on the computer and the day was all I got done.
I got out on time and home at a decent hour!
We didn’t do anything tonight just stayed home and relaxed so I guess I will just say Night Y’all..
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Monday July 1st 2013
This is the first day of July!! Guess that means the year is half over already! Time is flying by and it will be Fall in no time at all. Kids will be going back to school, leaves will change color and it will get cold, makes me shiver just thinking about it.
We went to town this afternoon. Needed to get a filter for the a/c. The old one is getting pretty dirty and needs to be replaced.
I am feeling pretty good today, I think I may be able to make it through the whole day without a nap, which doesn’t mean I won’t sleep a little in my chair. I have found though that when I sleep or take a nap I have a little problems sleeping at night, not good.
Well, other than taking it easy and watching a little TV there isn’t much going on today. I watched Duck Dynasty tonight and had a good laugh. If you haven’t ever watched Duck Dynasty, well, I think you are missing something.
Guess it is time to say Night Y’all….
Sunday June 30th 2013
Church today! We went and picked Miss Lorene and Miss Kay and went on to church. Sunday School and Church were both down today, guess people had other things to do.
Well, Sunday School class went OK but I sure wish I could get them to do their lessons and the memory versus aren’t really coming together either. We will see what happens.
I did something in church today, I challenged the church to memorize the versus that we are memorizing. We still have about eight weeks to memorize eight versus, plenty of time.
I have been trying to get someone to take over the class for one Sunday but no volunteers yet. Like to get someone to step out of their comfort zone and do the class for one Sunday.
After church Sunday on the way out Pastor Jimmy asked me to do a song tonight, OK, I will get Loyd to sing with me and that would be fun. Pastor Jimmy said Loyd wasn’t going to be here tonight, oh boy, got to step out of my comfort zone and sing a solo. Got to practice what I preach I guess.
We took Miss Lorene and Miss Kay to the DQ for lunch. They have a pretty good lunch for $5. Plenty to eat and it was good.
This afternoon we took it easy, I looked up a song to sing and called Coyita if she could play it and she said she could. I think the name of the song is “This World is not my Home” and I guess it went OK, we had to lower the music about five notes so I could hit the high spots, should have gone down six notes I guess, I had a hard time with the high notes. After that song I asked Clydie if she would like to help sing “I’ll Fly Away” and she and Pastor Randy and I sang that song, but Coyita hadn’t changed the piano back so after the first verse I had to stop here and have here change it back so I could hit the low notes. After that the song went great…
One of these Sundays I am going to get a picture of our class and post it here.
Time to say Night Y’all…..
Saturday June 29th 2013
OK Saturday, Don and Cheryl stayed the night, we were all tired, had a rough night after we got home because the pump quit working but got it done and got to bed around 1AM or later. I sure didn’t want to get up this morning but I was up at 6AM and made some cinnamon rolls. It isn’t hard to make the rolls but it takes a little time.
They actually turned out pretty good. They tasted great. We had fruit and cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
The pump is still working, hasn’t come apart again so maybe it is fixed for awhile.
We had a good visit this morning and they had to leave around 11AM to head back home.
I went to work at 1PM and had a decent day but I was pretty tired. I tried doing the seed lesson and a little on the Sunday School lesson but found I had a hard time staying awake. I also posted a day on the blog which was amazing that I finished one day but I needed to try to catch up a little. Helped but still didn’t get caught up.
I am going to look, I think I may be able to find a picture to put in here…
I thought this was pretty interesting at the air show. A small plane landing on an RV! He was on there but the wind let him get set down solidly. He had to keep one side up or the wind would push him off the other side. He tried three times and was almost there but didn’t get down successfully which was OK because this was pretty dangerous.
Well, time to relax tonight and take it easy. I am tired and will probably go to bed early, maybe not though. Night Y’all…
Friday June 28th 2013
I went to work this morning. I know that I have to mow over at Russell Street. I need to get done by noon because Mark is down to one vehicle and he needs to pick up Kim for lunch. I think I will make it ok, I didn’t take any Round Up with me so that will knock off about a half hour and I did start earlier.
Mowing went good and when I was finished I stopped to see Miss Lorene and I asked if she wanted to go to church with us on Sunday and she said yes!!! I was amazed!! I told her what time Linda and I would be there and that makes two ladies were are picking up on Sunday Morning. Linda hasn’t ever met Miss Lorene but I’m sure she will like her.
When I got back I was actually about five minutes early. Mark had asked me earlier to help take a tree down this afternoon and actually today was the first day that I had plans in the afternoon but after I got back I told him I would help until around 2PM.I had a few things to do while they were at lunch and when he got back we tackled a tree and cut it down, cut it up and took it to the burn pile. I had to leave before all the clean up was finished but we had gotten most of the mess cleaned up.
I got home and took a shower and had time to relax a little before Don and Cheryl got here. They did some yard sales on the way down here. Guess they had a good time.
We went to town and we took them to Lambert’s for way to much to eat.. Had a good time..
Now I am having trouble with my Live Writer, it doesn’t look anything like it did before, actually I think I hit a key that changed things so I don’t know what it will be like when I post it (when I post it).
The air show was good and I think I have a couple of pictures…
This was one of my favorites, the jet powered bus, boy that was hot! He got the bus up over 300mph, doesn’t take long to get to school at that speed!
This was another favorite, a MIG 17 (Russian) He did a good job of demonstrating it. It was fast and loud…
We got some good views and they had fire works at the end…
We got home around 11PM and guess what. We had no water What a bummer. Don helped me fix it. Not sure what happened but it got hot enough to melt some of the plastic pipe. It was around 1AM before we finally got it going. I didn’t want to go to bed without water.
This made for a long day for sure….definitely Night Y’all..
Thursday June 27th(b) 2013
The slower I go the behinder I get! I am really getting bad at posting my blog. Probably doesn’t bother anyone except me and I have a hard time remembering what we did on a special day like Thursday..
If I remember right I didn’t work today. I think that since Grant is mowing I am taking the day off. Now to remember what we did….
I think we went to town to pick up a few things, Don and Cheryl are coming in for the air show in Cape.
Linda got things straightened up around the house and we took it easy tonight and watched a little TV. Not a lot going on so I am going to say Night Y’all….Well, I should have checked before writing this blog because this makes two for today and I don’t really know what I wrote in the other one, what a way to keep track of our doings!!!