Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thursday June 30th 2011

Hope I haven’t already posted a blog for July 1st.  I’m having a lot of trouble with this computer.  I have another computer but I don’t want to have to download a bunch of stuff like the Windows Live Writer and try to figure that one out.

I work all day today and I will probably be helping Grant with cool sealing a roof.  The mobile home is hard to cool and hopefully this will help.  We got started pretty early but it is getting hot out and hopefully we will get done before noon.  I finished my part a little after noon and Grant will have to finish after lunch.  I’m sure I will find some more things to do after lunch. I started mowing after lunch and mowed a few sites while Grant finished the roof.

After mowing I did some spraying then picking up trash around the campground.  I was getting tired and by the time 5:30PM rolled around I was ready to go home. 

I was going to pick up chicken after work and went to three different stores then finally ended up going to Wal Mart.  I was late getting home.

We had a good supper and took it easy the rest of the night.  I was tired! Watched a little TV and tried to get the computer going but not much luck, maybe tomorrow…Night Y’all….

I am having trouble with the dates, hope the last few are OK…..

1 comment:

  1. You are working much too hard. Please drink lots of water and take care of you.
