Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 23rd 2011

What a morning!!!  It is raining like crazy, thunder, lightning, not windy fortunately but still warm and humid.  I got Linda up about 8:15AM and I wanted to be on the road by nine or a little after.  Didn’t work.  We needed some more pistachio pudding for the salad she made last night. I walked to Wal Mart, not far, but far enough and got the pudding but guess what??  I forgot to order the chicken and I was right there.  Probably good thing I didn’t though, what we got was fresh and they had a really super good deal on six pounds of chicken.  Anyway, nothing seemed to go right, they rang up the wrong price and of course you have to go stand in line to get a refund but it wasn’t busy and it came out to be over $10!!!  I guess that was OK.  Now we are late getting on the road and I have no idea where we are going, good thing for the GPS!  It doesn’t like detours.  It took us right to the front door of where we were going but there weren’t any cars there so I had to check and make sure.  It was the right place and we were almost the first ones there except for cousins Loren and John.  I was then happy and relieved that I wasn’t the last one..

Saw lots of relative that I didn’t know and some I did know.  I knew my brothers!  Well, I knew some of my cousins too.  Here is a picture of some of us…


The outside two are cousins Bill (L) and John (R) then on my right is Fred and on my left is Ed (brothers).  We usually get our pictures taken together.   Notice Fred and I don’t wear shorts, wonder why???  I don’t like shorts I guess, not sure about Fred.

Here is a picture of Dad, Mom, Barbara, Kenneth, Ed, Fred, Betty Gay, Dennis and me.


I didn’t have them in order…Dad, Mom, Fred, Kenneth, Ed, Betty Gay, Barbara, Dennis and me.  This picture has to be at least sixty years old and I remember the sweater I was wearing because we teased each other about our clothes, notice, I wasn’t very old and I can’t remember what I did yesterday but the sweater I remember, very odd…

We had a great time up there and lots of visiting and meeting new relatives(?).  Guess they were related somehow or another.

Had a good trip back to Sterling to see Linda’s sister Marilyn. I shampooed her carpet for her.  This was planned, not a spur of the moment thing.  Got a sandwich at Wal Mart on the way home and had a bite to eat in the motel.  Linda bought a recipe book so she is reading that and I’m puttering on the computer. About bedtime though so I’m going to get off here….Night Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the picture of your family when you were a kid! Great picture.
