Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday July 11th 2011

Here comes another hot day!  I think it is supposed to be hotter today than yesterday.  I’m off today and we have a few places to go and a few things to do.  I got on the computer this morning to check for a motel in Sterling or that area.  We stayed in the Rock Falls motel last time and it was nice but this time it was very expensive. The Super 8 in Dixon was a lot cheaper so we booked that for a few days. (this is for our family reunion the 23rd of July)

We have a time share that I have disliked ever since we bought it. I can’t get ahold of anyone and can’t get them online. If anyone wants a time share I will give it away!!  Yep, free!!

We spent a few hours in town and it just keeps getting warmer. Stopped at Adli’s to get groceries then home.  Didn’t stop at Wal Mart, will probably go there tomorrow.

I picked some cucumbers and Linda made some cucumber and onion stuff. I figured that one jalapeno would give it a little different taste. I helped a little with peeling the cucumbers..


It tastes good but I’m sure glad we didn’t use more than one jalapeno in it.  It is kind of spicy!

I took a nap again this afternoon, I was pretty tired and I think it was just the heat.

Not a lot going on tonight, again, just taking it easy.  I did take another picture of Linda’s carnation. I think it may be about done…


I wonder if the plant will make it through the winter???

Time for bed….Night Y’all..

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