Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday July 30th 2011

This is getting kind of boring!!!  Another hot and humid day but they call for a chance of rain!!  I didn’t water the garden which is very dry.  I did pick a couple ears of corn though…(it did rain a little late in the PM)


The corn isn’t very big and it isn’t completely filled out.  Sure tastes good though.  I’m going to have to start picking it and getting rid of the stalks so the others will get a little more water.

Work today was really slow!!  I think it is almost to hot for people to travel.  There was a person that called today for a reservation and they said they pack up and leave about 4AM so they can travel during the cool part of the day.  Can’t hardly blame him.

This morning we took a ride to Matthews to look around and see if we could find where Daniel and Kiley are moving to.  We sure hate to see them move, they are really good neighbors.  I had the camera and I didn’t take any pictures, bummer!

I think it is kind of funny that the day is so slow and nothing going on but at 6:58PM a camper comes in and then there are people that want to stand and talk.  I like to talk but I also like to leave on timeSmile.

Another lazy night!  Called Bren and talked to her for awhile and also called Dee, seems everyone in SD are doing fine!

Time to call it a night….Night Yall..

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