Today there isn’t a lot to do before work, had a few things to do before going into work like getting Linda’s prescription which was a surprise, it was $90 and the lady asked if I had insurance, well, I do but it’s Medicare and I don’t think they pay for prescriptions. The lady asked for the card anyway and checked. Ended up being $18!!! I was pleasantly surprised!
Had a few other things to do and Wal Mart’s of one of them. It is already hot and it’s only about 11AM!
Work was really slow today, can’t blame people for not wanting to travel in 100 plus degree weather.
Got home almost on time! We weren’t going to do anything tonight because it is to hot. We watched TV and the wind started blowing about 9PM and blew like crazy. Guess we got some rain with it which was good. Daniel and I watered the garden earlier, and then the wind! Blew the corn down pretty good. I moved the camper to help slow the wind down but I think it was already to late…..
I think the corn will recover, may take it a little while though.
This was an excellent night to go to bed
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