Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday July 26th 2011

It didn’t cool off a lot last night, not sure if got below 80 degrees.  It is warm this morning though and will probably get really hot.  Doesn’t seem to matter if the garden is watered or not, when the sun hits it for awhile the leaves wither and droop until the sun goes down. 

I picked some things from the garden, lots of Zucchini!  Had some Okra, string beans and a tomato.  I fixed one Zucchini for lunch with the Okra. The zucchini was probably eighteen inches long and weighed a couple pounds but was still very good.  I took a bunch to work again to try to give away, wasn’t to successful this time, I will probably end up throwing them away.  I also picked  a bunch of jalapeno peppers.  I will probably give them away also because we have a BUNCH of them!

I had to take a picture of my slippers that Bren and Darin gave me about a year and a half ago, I use them a lot in the morning and they have really been abused….


I really need to get me a pair of crocks.  I do a little gardening in the morning that is why they are so dirty.  I leave them outside now because they are really getting nasty.

Work again today didn’t go to bad but the golf cart won’t run.  Not sure why but Grant and I went over to the mobile home park and pulled it back to the shop, I may get to work on it tomorrow, probably the fuel filter or something like that.

Mark said his garden this year is the worst he has ever had.  He is going to mow down the string beans and corn and till it under. I think the heat and lack of water kind of did his garden in and it just didn’t do good.  Our garden isn’t very good either but I picked an ear of sweet corn and cooked it.  It wasn’t very big but is was very good.  I will probably start picking the corn now, should have quite a bit.

Work was slow today, I got to finish my book!  I did a few odd jobs but mostly kept cool in the office.

Daniel called me tonight and said there was a water pump with tank in the paper for sale so I will go check it out tomorrow to see what it looks like. I think I will put in a new well and want a new pump and a larger tank.  Ours works OK but I think a new one will be better.

Watered the garden again tonight.  I am still happy with the garden. We have gotten quite a bit of stuff from it and it has kept me kind of busy. Hopefully the tomatoes will start ripening soon. We have had a couple and they are delicious!

Nothing going on tonight so I guess I will sign off….Night Y’all….

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