Whoa!! It’s warm already this morning and they say this is going to be one of the hottest days of the year! Well, with the humidity they say it is supposed to feel like 104, give or take. Sparky and I checked out the garden and there are a couple of stalks of corn with ears so the corn is coming along. The tomato plants are really coming along. The “Heirloom” plant has lots of blossoms but no tomatoes yet. The cheap plants seem to be getting lots of little ones, wonder how long before they turn red?? I should know but the ones that came on first don’t seem to be getting any bigger, just hanging around!
I guess the forecaster was right, I went to church and almost froze but didn’t take long to get warmed up outside and in the car. Probably around 90 already, I turned the air off in the car so I could get warmed up. In Sunday School I had to change places, the AC was blowing on me and I just couldn’t take it anymore! Had a good Sunday School class, Becky was teaching today. The regular teacher has had physical problems and I haven’t met him yet.
I had to take a picture of the garden and you can’t really see it but the leaves on the corn are curled up from the heat…
I guess if you look close you can see that the leaves are curled. Our thermometer (analog) reads 104 and the other (digital) reads 103 and this is in the shade. I know the TV station in Cape will probably be 8 to 10 degrees cooler, doesn’t matter, it is hot and now the forecast for tomorrow is supposed to be hotter yet. Sure makes the AC work hard. We set it up to 81 and today I set it on 82 but it keeps it very comfortable in here, not cold by any means but comfortable, takes the humidity out of the air.
Doesn’t Sparky look clean? He isn’t, he just looks that way. He loves it outside and I think if I let him, he would roll in the dirt in the garden but he still looks pretty clean.
After church I grilled some hot dogs on the grill and by the time I was done I was sweating! It is really hot out! Had a good lunch and this afternoon I took a nap!! I am tired most every afternoon but can’t take a nap. I don’t feel very good after a nap anyway but I can stay awake in the evening after taking a nap.
At church tonight they had the Lord’s Supper and I was really curious about it. One church we went to had the Lord’s Supper and it was depressing and, well, it was more like a solemn funeral and when you leave there, at least me, I felt really depressed. I know Jesus went through more than I can imagine but it is FINISHED, DONE, He paid the price, I am thankful, glad, happy that I’m saved and I know that it isn’t a celebration but I don’t think I should feel depressed after the Lord”s Supper. Enough of that…
Even after the sun has gone down it is still in the upper 80s. Very humid and according to the weather forecaster it is “mugly”. Nice word for the weather….
Didn’t tell Linda but I left the thermostat on 78 tonight. Very comfortable with the overhead fan spinning at high speed. Time to go to sleep though.. Night Y’all….