Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday July 20th 2011

As the week goes along the hotter it gets, it is supposed to top out on Thursday around ninety six degrees!

Today at work I put slime in the golf cart tires.  They have a really slow leak but enough that we have to air them up every time we use it.  This one is the one with the Roundup Sprayer on it.  I think I’ve gone through $300 worth of Roundup.  I think the weeds are getting immune to it.  Takes a long time for them to die and they are starting to recover faster.  I sprayed some of the areas that are coming back to life again.  Oh well, they will die this winter.  We have some weeds that aren’t phased by Roundup.  They just grow faster, like it’s fertilizer!  I pulled a lot out by hand and they have a long root!

This afternoon Grant and I went to Russell Street and I picked up limbs. I had limbs in four different places and I started at the end and got three piles picked up altogether. The last load I had cut but they were just where they dropped and I got a lot picked up and loaded on the truck.  The first load I took over to the burn pile while Grant mowed.  The trailer was easy to load and really hard to unload.  The truck is hard to load but easy to unload.  Will probably just use the truck from now on.

By five o’clock I was about beat!  I was ready to quit for the day and Grant was too.  When we got back to the shop and got everything unloaded I took the golf cart and went and sprayed some more weeds. I have about a half hour to go so wanted to get a little bit accomplished, not much, but do something.

I decided to mow our lawn today, I really don’t want to do it tomorrow, the day before  we leave.  I didn’t have to mow the whole lawn, it was just spots that really grow fast, the rest looks good and I’m sure it will be OK until next week.

Time to take it easy and relax, take a nice cool shower and chill the rest of the evening….Night Y’all…

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