Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday July 29th 2011

Well today is going to be another hot one.  Kind of glad I’m working the office today.  I need to rest up from the last two days.

This morning I had a few things that I wanted to do.  I took the air conditioner apart and cleaned the evaporator coils and put it back together a couple of times.  The insulation over the coil was coming loose so I taped it up and hopefully it will stay up there.

I did some weeding and cut a couple really small Mimosa trees that were growing next to our mobile home.

The garden is getting dryer.  I’m not sure what all we will get.  I picked four ears of sweet corn and had two for lunch and they were very good even though they were really small.  I think the lack of water had something to do with it.

Work this afternoon went pretty good.  Kept kind of busy but not to  bad.  Nothing that was stressful for sure…

Nothing going on at home tonight and getting off at seven in the evening it is late and not much time to do anything.

We watched a little TV and called it a day….Night Y’all…

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