Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday July 16th 2011

Just checked things out around the old homestead!  These are flowers from this Spring that I planted and they are annuals.  I think they look nice.  Almost none of the perennials grew…


I think they look pretty nice, lots of different colors and combination of colors!!  I think I paid twenty or twenty five cents for the packet of seeds.

I probably should have watered the garden but I think there is a chance of rain so it probably won’t.  Doesn’t usually rain until I water the garden.

Work was a little busier today, not many came in but sold quite a bit of propane.  Got out of work on time tonight.  The last camper came in as I was leaving and I had already taken care of them by phone.  I showed them where to park and I left for home.

Another nice quiet night at home.  Talked to Daniel for a little while, until the mosquitoes got so bad we had to go in.  Daniel and Kiley will be moving later, not sure when but we sure hate to lose them as neighbors, what a bummer.  Now we have to wait to see who moves in and see if they are half way decent people that we can get along with.

Well not much going on, we will go to bed after the weather forecast which will be “hot and humid” for the next few days with a twenty percent chance of rain…..Night Y’all….

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