Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday July 19th 2011

I went and got some gas for the mower and filled up the car also.  The gas stations in town are ten cents a gallon more than the station out here!  Figure I better do it before it goes up and it will because they are usually a few days behind the city.

I did a little mowing, some of our grass grows like crazy and most of it doesn’t grow much at all.  After I finished and was putting the mower back in the garage I noticed that I hadn’t put the mowing deck down!  Still looks better than it did.

I’m pretty sure that work won’t be very hard today.  The usual cleaning jobs and then sit and read and wait for seven o’clock.  The day actually went pretty fast.  I only got a couple of campers in and they were pretty spread out.   Pumped a couple of tanks of propane and sold a couple bags of ice.  That was about it.  Actually since I know what happened after I went home, I will put it in here… There were three more campers that came in after I left!  That is almost as many as I checked in!!!

Tonight I’m having left over pork burritos! They were good, Linda had one of here dinners, a fajita for her supper which I didn’t like much, she let me taste it.  The fact is I don’t like much of anything she has to eat. Nutri System, maybe if you don’t like the food you won’t want to eat very much! That could be it!

A little TV tonight and to bed…Night Y’all….

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