Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday July 14h 2011

Going to be another hot one.  Got to remember the zucchini!  I told the lady I would bring her some but I really wonder if she will be there.  I have one yellow squash I am putting in there and I wonder if they would like some jalapeno peppers???  I will put eight or ten in there and if they don’t want them they can do whatever with them.  I forgot yesterday that she told me she was going to a “sister reunion”!  She had to explain that to me. She comes from a big family, twenty one brothers and sisters but not from the same mother.  They had to hire  a detective to track down all the kids. She didn’t say how many different mothers there were but the kids are all one year apart except for the last one and she is five years younger.  There were also a couple illegitimate kids that they couldn’t find.  Wish I would have had a camera with me to take a picture of her and her husband.  Anyway, she was there waiting!  I told her about the jalapeno peppers and she was really happy about that, said she may stop before she leaves just to say goodbye!  Thought that was very nice.

Today is another find something to do day.  I finished cleaning up  the mobile home spot and then trimmed a tree that you couldn’t walk under. I loaded all the limbs in a trash can on the golf cart and when I got to the shop I lost the trash can.  It was heavy and I couldn’t lift it so Grant was there and he helped me get it back on the cart and he had to hold it while I drove to the burn pile. We have a big burn pile.  When we burn it we have to get the fire department to come and watch for awhile.

By the time I got finished with all that it was time to take the golf cart back for Bits.  I see her truck there and out of the three golf carts this is the only one that runs good.  Time for lunch.  I ate to much and when I eat to much I get tired.  Guess what???  I am tired.  I’m trying to find things to do and decided to spray Roundup over in the mobile home park.  The blacktop roads have grass growing in some of the cracks so I’m trying to get all that sprayed. After an hour and a half I just couldn’t stay awake so I went back to the shop and got the weed eater out and worked with that for about twenty minutes then blew the dirt and grass over the sidewalks. On the way back to the shop Grant asked if I was done with the spraying and I said I sure am ready to quit! He asked if I wanted to mow and I said “sure” and I asked if he was going to spray and he said “no” I’m quitting for the day.  Well his dad called him for a question about the mower deck and after that he asked how he heard him if he was mowing.  Grant and I got a good laugh before he answered and he said that I was going to finish mowing.  Dad asked what are you going to do and Grand said “I’m going to watch the living room”!  He was tired and was going to take a nap I guess.

Well I finally made it to the end of the day and I sure felt a lot better after mowing.  Now I can go home and mow our lawns.  I would just as soon not but the grass is really growing, especially Daniel’s.  I got it done and after cleaning the deck it was almost dark. 

Time for a bowl of cereal “and” some cucumbers and onion stuff.  Tastes pretty good!  Not together of course. 

Can’t believe how dirty I was!  Glad I didn’t take a bath!

Well, I am having a hard time staying awake so time to go to bed… Night Y’all…..

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