Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday July 7th 2011

Well, today is another hot day and I will be working on my own today, mowing.  I sprayed some Roundup first thing because the wind wasn’t blowing to hard and I saw a few spots where the weeds had started growing again.  Roundup last from four to six weeks then needs another dose.

I started mowing the RV Park and by noon had most of the pull through sites done.  After lunch I started mowing the back in sites with the push mower.  Lots of work!!  Bits came and got me and said the men’s shower wouldn’t shut off and it was the hot water.

I took a look at it and saw the washer (rubber) was broken so I walked over to Ag Mart and bought some new ones.  Didn’t take long to fix but sure cut into the mowing time.


Well, here’s some more from the garden, the mystery plant was a yellow squash, probably already said that, but we did get some cucumbers!  The cucumber plant is really growing fast.

Back to work… About 2PM Bits told me that they left the key to the truck and the trailer so I could mow Russell Street.  To late to do it now.  I still have a lot of mowing left to do here in the park.  Russell Street will have to wait until next week.

Linda fixed her famous pork burritos for supper.  Very good, the picture I am going to show is one of the burritos and it has a jalapeno on it!!


I’m not sure why but the jalapenos from our garden are “HOT”!!  She only put one in but the pieces almost bring tears to your eyes!  Bet the jalapeno bread will be hot!

David and Marian decided to leave tomorrow, I think they are bored, not much to do around here and I work most of the time.

After I got home from work I mowed our lawn and half of Daniels lawn.  Mr Tucker mows the front yard and I mow the back yard, now I’m really tired.

When I got done mowing I took a shower and Linda fixed hot caramel sundaes!  They were really good, hit the spot.

Tired again tonight, don’t know why! Watch TV and go to bed again… Night Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. Awe man, Joel, did you have to talk about those yummy pork burritos?!!! Now, I'm having a gravin'!!

    Take care of yourself in this heat. Drink lots of water.
