Sunday, July 3, 2011

Saturday July 2nd 2011

Have to go in to work at one again today!  I mowed the lawn Thursday and it still looks pretty good.  I didn’t water the garden this morning, did it last night so it should be good.

Work was really busy today, had lots of propane tanks to fill, lots of phone calls and reservations to make and they started coming in right after one PM so I kept pretty busy until 4PM.  Got a little break but not a big one.

Had a problem with the books at closing but figured out my mistake from last night.  Oh well, hope Mark can figure it out.  I probably should call Bits and let her know that she should check the drawer count before starting work.  I am sure she will.

The corn field across the road really looks nice…


Also have a picture of a weed that I was going to pull but thought I would wait to see what it looks like…


This weed sure is pretty…glad I didn’t pull it!!

OK, tonight we didn’t do much….back to this morning….we went to the Farmers Market in Sikeston and we saw Jordan’s Tide….


This is Jordan’s Tide, the guy in the red hat is Dr Rubenacker and his wife is playing the bass guitar(?).  The guy in the front is Rick and he is our song leader at  Fellowship!  I didn’t even recognize him!!! Amazing!

OK back to tonight, Linda fixed breakfast burritos with some green chili peppers she bought at the Farmers Market.  They were very good.

We stayed up and watched the news, well, I think I slept through it but that’s OK, I probably didn’t miss anything anyway….Night Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. That "weed" looks identical to a Hibiscus! There's such a thing as a wild hibiscus. I think this may be just that. It's beautiful.

    No, after further research, it's a Rose Mallow!
