Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday November 20th 2012

Well, today I would like to go to Pulga.  Pulga is a flea market that is a  couple of miles down the road.  I like the flea market and I’m looking for a few things.  I did see something…


This little piggy wasn’t real happy but I guess it is in training.  I don’t think I would like to have a pet but Sparky would probably like itSmile.

I picked some lemons today..


Someone had mentioned freezing the juice in ice cube trays.  Think I will try it and this should be enough.  Well, one filled up two thirds of the ice cube tray.  I had a bunch left over so I made lemonade.  I did put some sugar in it but it is really sour and I think maybe I got some oil from the rind in it also.  Sure needs more sugar!  Linda is trying it….


Sheryl, our neighbor, also from MO thought it was pretty good.  She really likes hers tart.

We had company this afternoon, our screen room is really nice for visiting even when it is warm outside.  I think the temperature, even at 84, is great out in the screen room.

Our home stays pretty warm.  When we went to bed it was cool outside but still pretty warm in here.  We were going to get a fan but we forgot and I really didn’t want to buy one at the flea market.

Watched a little TV and decided to go to bed.  I still have a hard time staying awake after the sun goes down  Night Y’all.

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