Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday November 8th 2012

Cold again this morning but looks like it could be another nice day.

I am finishing up the pump house, well, I’ve been working on it for over a year now and it’s about time I finish it up, right?  Well, I didn’t do much, made a little platform for the blanket to lay on,  The blanket is a wrap for a water heater.  Nice and thick so the light that is on the inside may not even have to work and that would be nice?  I also covered the water bib.  Didn’t take very long just finding and cutting the right pieces for the blanket to lay on.

I decided to bake Linda some jalapeno bread.  We still have a few packages of the jalapenos that I grew here.  Very HOT!  The bread didn’t turn out to bad, looks kind of funny though..


We tried a piece and boy it has some heat to it for sure!  I kind of go the plain route because this kind of bothers my stomach.

We took a nap this afternoon, nice to be able to take a nap for sure…

We watched TV tonight after a nice supper of eggs, toast and hash browns, that was really good!

Time to say Night Y’all…

1 comment:

  1. That jalapeno bread sounds so good. I'm trying not to regret giving up bread, but it's not working very well. :-)
