Friday, October 12, 2012

Wednesday October 10th 2012

It seems to be a pretty nice day today, a little windy and pretty cool.  I wear two sweatshirts to keep warm.  I work today and I probably will only work a couple of hours.  I’m sure I won’t be mowing.  I didn’t, or won’t, mow my lawn this week.  It isn’t growing  very fast and doesn’t look bad at all.`

I was right.  I did some cleanup of limbs that I had stacked around when I was mowing.  After that I sprayed Roundup for a couple of hours and then I headed home at noon.

I took a nap this afternoon.  I probably didn’t need one but when I just sit in the recliner I fall asleep so I figure if I take a nap I will feel good tonight at the Revival.

OK, now I am confused, I can’t remember what night Coyita sang, must have been Monday so I will put her picture in here now, I think….

OK, I remember now I don’t have her picture…silly me…. tonight Carolyn sang the specials.  She sang two and she is the Evangelists wife…


Not a real good picture!  I definitely need a new camera but I sure hate to spend the money on one.

The Revival has been going quite well.  Not real big crowds, but not bad for a small church.

Linda isn’t feeling well at all.  I think she has the same thing she had in Texas, so this must be the Missouri Crud.  She coughs a lot at night, well, during the day also.  She isn’t doing much, trying to get rid of what’s ailing her….That’s about it for tonight…Night Y’all….

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