Saturday, October 20, 2012

Thursday October 18th 2012

Looks like it is going to be another great day in the neighborhood!  Cool this morning but I think it is going to be sunny and very nice.  I wear a couple of sweatshirts to keep warm and then I can peel them off one at a time as I get warm.  I don’t usually get real warm but I sure don’t want to get cold!

Today I’m get to mow the RV Park.  The biggest problem with the RV Park is the picnic tables.  Move them onto the gravel, mow, then move them back.  Doesn’t sound bad but they get pretty heavy after awhile.   The sites that are back ins are almost full and they are the hardest to mow.  They have a fence behind them and no where to move the tables.  Fortunately some of the people like Mark’s dad, Mike, moves his and his truck.  Every little bit helps.  While mowing I noticed a lot of places that were getting stuff growing where stuff isn’t supposed to grow…more Roundup in the near future.  Want to get all this done, we plan on being done around the first of November and don’t want to have to work after that at least for a few months, going to take the winter off.

The day went fine and I even had time to do some weed eating before quitting.  Got done around 5PM and headed for Wal Mart to pick up my new voice recorder.  I am going to try to tape some sermons and music.  I want Coyita to play ten or twelve songs so I will have them for practice.  I’ve made a list for her and hopefully she will be able to do it for me.

Well, got the voice recorder and I will tell you for such a little piece of equipment it does a lot.  Now I have to figure out how to use it.  The book has printing so small I am having a problem reading it.  Oh for good eyes again!!  Here is a picture of the new recorder…


This book is  about the size of a deck of playing cards so the writing in it is super small and the black things in it are what is on the front of the recorder.  I think it will take awhile to figure this out.  It has a four gig memory and I put another eight gig card in it so I should be able to record lots of “stuff”.  Not sure how long a set of batteries will last though.  Hopefully they last a long time.  I put in rechargeable batteries so  I won’t have to keep buying new ones.  Well, I will probably buy more rechargeable ones.  One thing I’ve found though is if I handle it while recording it makes a lot of noise so I will either have to wear a glove or put something over it to keep the noise down.  Practice, practice, practice.  I may figure it out.

Well, I now have a new camera and a new voice recorder!!  The camera I love, the voice recorder I think I am going to love it also.  Just have to work on figuring them out.

Linda is feeling better but still not up to snuff.  She isn’t nearly as congested as she has been but getting better.

I finished up the spaghetti and meatballs last night and for some reason that stuff gives me more gas than anything I think I have ever eaten!  Potent stuff for sure.  Don’t think we will buy those meatballs again even though they tasted good!

I’m sure that everyone has had enough now with the gas situation so I will say Night Y’all…

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