Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday May 17th 210

I think today may be a nice day.  I got up early enough to bake a couple loaves of bread but couldn’t find the measuring cup so I use a juice glass. It worked OK but my 2 loaves of bread were pretty small.  They tasted good but I really need to use a measuring cup for the water. That and the milk, other than that I just put stuff in and mix it up.

Linda and I worked today, we knew we wouldn’t be working together so Linda worked with Bernie in the laundry.


This is Bernie.  I didn’t get a picture of her husband Wilbur.  Wilbur worked with us cleaning the pool.  I really should have gotten a picture of the pool before we started cleaning it.  The rust was terrible and it was stainless steel!  David cleaned on it for a couple of days then yesterday there were four of us cleaning, so it went a lot faster, in fact we finished it and started filling it.


We are done with the pool here and even the bottom looks nice.  It had yellow stain over the whole thing and now it looks white!!  In the upper left corner you can see our camper.  Nice enough today to put the awning out.  I think this is the first time we have used the awning  The temperature only got up to about 72 today but the sun was hot!


This is a little oak is tree right outside our window and the leaves are the shiniest I think I have ever seen on an oak tree.  They shine like the leaves of a magnolia tree. Very interesting.

This will be another lazy night. Going to stay in and take it easy. We don’t work tomorrow but we have training at 11AM and a pot luck (mandatory) at 7PM.  Supposed to be the nicest day this week.  Then going to rain again on Wednesday and probably the rest of the week.  Oh well, such is life.  See yall tomorrow…..

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